Surface Plate Calibration Services       Surface Plate Calibration

We work with teams in quality and operations at companies to ensure that their metrology equipment is compliant year-round. There are many metrological devices that need to be compliant. Scheduling and having maintenance performed is the best way to ensure that all of your surface plates are calibrated properly. Allow Northwest Metrology to help you and your business with all of your calibration needs. Surface plates are usually used to help capture measurements dimensions. There are many factors that can contribute to plates being not calibrated properly such as environmental factors or small missteps. Some of those would include, not using the correct cleaning solutions, humidity, and temperature in the space, moisture, sunlight causing expansion, and wear and tear from testing often. It is important to cover your surface plates when not in use to protect them from dust, debris, and sunlight which can lead to more repairs down the line. 

Why Calibrate Surface Plates?

At Northeast Metrology, we pride ourselves on accuracy, which requires precisely accurate equipment. In a manufacturing setting, quality control departments use surface plates to capture accurate dimensional measurements. Without regular calibration, teams in these lab settings may take inaccurate readings which can lead to production deviations and product failures for customers who have higher than expected tolerances on their products. 

Contact Our Team

Need some help with metrology services? Are you in need of having something custom-made? Contact us today and our experienced team would be happy to discuss it with you!

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